College of Letters, Arts and Sciences Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement

University Commitment

“The University remains committed to addressing systemic racism, white supremacy, marginalization, inequity and the role of power and privilege in our communities. We have a responsibility and opportunity to break down systemic racism while simultaneously building a more equitable and inclusive MSU Denver community.” – President Janine Davidson, April 20, 2021

Metropolitan State University’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion has provided the campus community with a broad framework and definitions of equity, diversity, and inclusion in their Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Report. MSU Denver acknowledges the indigenous people and land of Auraria and the broader Denver area through our Land and Labor Acknowledgment. Our college uses these artifacts as a foundational source in developing purpose, meaning, and objectives for our own DEI work. Our statement reflects MSU Denver’s values through a lens of the college disciplines: humanities (letters), arts, and sciences.

Building on the spirit of the commitment by our University, the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences embraces and celebrates the diverse, intersectional identities of our students, faculty, and staff. It is one of our sources of strength. We recognize true equity and access require more than a mere display of diverse representation in our community’s backgrounds, identities, and perspectives; it requires meaningful and consistent commitment to educate, learn, and evolve.

We work to create a community where all members can thrive through belonging, expression, and positive influence in shaping one other.  We value the expertise that marginalized lived experiences create, and we work to bring that expertise to the center of our diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.

In a statement to the campus community on April 21, 2021, President Davidson made a pledge: “We must continue to move beyond statements toward action, and we will.”

This vision gives us a starting point for the CLAS community. It represents our shared understanding, values, and commitment to action. We strive to act in ways that combat oppression in its ideological, interpersonal, institutional, and internalized manifestations.¹

Our college is expansive. It houses the foundation of all human learning through the arts, humanities, and sciences. This foundation unites us across disciplines and enables us to celebrate and act on our shared values. At the core of these values is the belief that diversity across social identities, including but not limited to: race, ethnicity, class, gender, gender identity, sexuality, ability, religion, and nationality can and does create a strong and vibrant college community.

While diversity brings immense value to our campus community, diversity without equity is not sustainable, nor is it just. Equity requires that we provide resources and opportunities necessary for each individual to achieve their goals and aspirations.

Understandings of diversity, equity, and inclusion are intellectually demanding and constantly evolving. As such, our beliefs, assumptions, and practices must also be nimble, so that we meet our communities needs within a contemporary and modern framework.  Therefore, this statement serves as a living document and initial step in our work, accompanied by a promise to modify as it becomes necessary over time.

We understand the “living” and fluid nature of this document. The space and opportunity for continuous feedback is always welcome.

This statement was last edited on November 16, 2021.

Definitions of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Metropolitan State University’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion has provided the campus community with a broad framework and definitions of equity, diversity, and inclusion in their Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Report. Our college uses these artifacts as a foundational source in developing purpose, meaning, and objectives for our own DEI work.


Diversity icon


The social representations and institutional processes that could cause groups or individuals to be systematically excluded from full participation in higher education.

Equity icon


Historically and politically, equity refers to the process of creating equivalent outcomes for members of historically underrepresented and oppressed groups.

Inclusion icon


Inclusion exists when traditionally marginalized individuals and groups feel a sense of belonging and are empowered to participate in majority culture as full and valued members of the community, shaping and redefining that culture in different ways.

CLAS DEI Committee

The CLAS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee mission is to discuss, communicate and create collaboration in ongoing and upcoming initiatives and events that support the goal of enhancing the environment for diversity, inclusion, equity, and access in CLAS and across the University. It aims to foster and support an inclusive and respectful environment for all members of the CLAS community. The committee will make recommendations to the Dean’s office on diversity-related issues and raise awareness of existing formal and informal barriers to diversity and inclusivity.

Committee Members

  • Maria Akrabova, Ph.D., Department Chair, Department of World Languages
  • Katia Campbell, Ph.D., Associate Dean, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
  • Dawn Clement, Department of  Music
  • Sonia Del Real, Department of Chicana/o Studies
  • Ting Jiang, Ph.D., Associate Dean, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
  • Kelsey Lumbard, M.S., Academic Advisor, Division of Mathematics and Sciences
  • Ziyao Ma, Department of History
  • Andrea Rene Maestrejuan, Ph.D., Department of History
  • Courtney Matsumoto, M.A., College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
  • Sanaa Riaz, Ph.D., Department of Sociology and Anthropology
  • Eneri “Netty” Rodriguez, Gender Institute for Teaching and Advocacy
  • Anahi Russo Garrido, Ph.D., Director, Gender Institute for Teaching and Advocacy
  • Chivonne Torres, Lead Advisor for the Division of Mathematics and Sciences

College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

We are CLAS

Campus Location:

Central Classroom 314

Mailing Address:

Campus Box 37
P. O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362




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